Spry Sparrow: From Drab to Fab – Everybody Needs Somebody!
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Spry Sparrow has a wonderful mother, a spacious backyard, and plenty of bugs to fill her belly. So why is she so unhappy? Perhaps it’s because her neighbors, the colorful painted buntings, are so vibrant that Spry becomes jealous, feeling that her brown and white feathers are ordinary and drab. But Spry Sparrow’s mother has a special lesson in store for the little bird: know what special gifts you have and how you can be colorful in your own way. Donna Hammontree uses her experience in cognitive behavioral therapy to weave a tale of positive behavior change and self-confidence. Mother Sparrow’s message to Spry Sparrow is vital and one that we can all learn from: keep in mind our unique gifts, our varied strengths, and think of those as our own vibrant colors!
This lesson focuses on identifying characteristics children like about themselves to feel better when they are feeling down. Children will also be able to identify people who they can go to who will help them during tough times. The following materials are included in this resource:
– Teacher Lesson for Spry Sparrow: From Drab to Fab
– Just Like Mother Sparrow Sheet